I&RS Steps and Timeline:

Atco and TR


4 weeks Prior

to the Meeting

2 weeks Prior

to the Meeting

Initial Meeting

After the Initial Meeting


If there are concerns about a child who may need to be recommended for I&RS, complete the Tier I checklist in Intervention Manager (IM) in LinkIt! Implement and document the interventions you have used with the student for at least 2-4 weeks.

Click here for a How-To on completing a Tier I checklist in Intervention Manager.

*If the interventions from the checklist have been effective, the teacher will continue to implement and monitor student progress.

*If the teacher still needs additional support, he or she will create a Request For Assistance (RFA) in IM

Step 1: Request for Assistance (RFA)

Step 2: "Task" the RFA to the I&RS Team Leader

Step 3: Case Coordinator will meet with the teacher

informally, if needed, to discuss if further interventions (or classroom observations) are needed prior to completing the I&RS/PIRT RFA.

The building secretary will send home The Parent Letter and The Parent Questionnaire to be filled out and returned to the school and schedule the meeting in IM.

Step 4: Select one specific area of concern

and implement 1-3 interventions over the next several weeks.

Step 5: Weekly Check-ins

The Case Coordinator will meet with the teacher weekly to check that interventions are being implemented and documentation is collected. The Case Coordinator and the teacher can modify the plan as needed.

Step 6: Case Coordinator will then decide whether a follow-up meeting is needed. If so, a meeting will be scheduled and documentation of the provided interventions will need to be presented at the meeting.